
When Christmas never ends

Saturday, December 24, 2016

My boys wait in expectation for the exciting moments Christmas day promises to bring. There is a frenzy in the air hurrying all the arrangements, getting the to do list done before the big event.

Every year, Christmas comes and goes. Gifts are wrapped and unwrapped. Foods are carefully cooked and arranged, and slowly disappear from the table. Decorations go up and a few weeks later, down. A movement forward, and slowly away. The season of getting ready for this one special day, and then letting go, until it comes again next year.

Regardless of the dozen extra traditions attached to this holiday, or the consumerism coming in hand with business, Christmas is a reminder, maybe a diluted reminder to many, that Christ has come.

That moment in history when the Creator took the form of his creation for the sake of the created. Him, who created man from the dust of the ground, likewise took form. Him, who breathed life into man's nostrils, inhaled breath as a human baby.

Christ, who wrapped creation together, willingly unwrapped himself from eternity, from immortality and from his Father's side, to be wrapped as a baby in a manger. All powerful coming in vulnerability, all knowing coming in simplicity and all loving coming to a place of rejection. This is love.

God's love moved history towards the direction of exciting news to humanity: God is with us! Eternal life in the form of a touchable, visible and relational man: Jesus Christ.

A movement forward, from the part of God, reaching for the lost, reaching for the distant. Christ with his own pierced hands reaching out. This movement, forward, by the part of God, never goes away. Never unwinds. Never slows down.

He is hurrying for you, making all the arrangements for you and offering all his presence for you, because Christmas is not a yearly event. Christmas is God coming and never leaving. Reaching and never letting you go.

The word became flesh not only to be born, but to die. Not only to die, but on your behalf to save you. Not for a Christmas season, but forever.

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16